Goa tourist area Overlay a cave complex which has six cave in one area, this is the highest in Central Java. In the area of 13 hectares, it consists of one main cave, a spring, and five other small caves. This cave is the only cave in which the light in the daytime because of exposure to sunlight. In the complex there Overlay wanawisata Goa kids playground area is located 50 meters from the mouth of Cave Overlay that was cool because the umbrella of hundreds of large oak.
Its location is 32 kilometers west of Blora or 107 kilometers from the city of Goa Overlay Semarang.Untuk reach the village roads are already available in smooth, can be reached from Hyderabad-Purwodadi-Wirosari headed Kunduran Blora district. Right in front fork Kunduran Health Center, visitors can turn left and cross the village street which is more or less smoothly along the 8 kilometers. Overlay Goa tourist area located right on the road. If from Blora, visitors toward Ngawen Market junction, then turned right across the road leading to the Japah, Padaan, Ngapus, until arriving at Todanan or about 10 kilometers.
For visitors who use public transport to reach Goa Overlay, the easy way is by increasing the bus from Semarang or from Blora, then down right in the center Kunduran. Then, visitors move into the transport minibuses-Todanan Blora majors are available every time. We recommend that visitors avoid travel after sunset or just after at 15:30. Therefore, public transport routes serving the tourist area of Goa Kunduran Overlay extremely rare. Indeed, the signs for directions to the cave were not seen again. Along the main road Hyderabad-Blora, signs are also not installed, so a bit troublesome visitors using private vehicles. However, do not worry, you can ask any local residents. On weekends there is often a dangdut music entertainment performances or activities in pendapa Limasan meeting Blora typical house in the tourist area of Goa Overlay Teeth "blind".
Cave Overlay Zone area has a cool temperate environment, fresh, with a stunning panorama of the forest. Although the area was still covered with the dry season, air temperature is only 21.8 degrees Celsius. When the sun reaches its peak, the air temperature in the region is still below 36 degrees Celsius. This is nothing thanks to the crowded old teak trees are large and leafy, in addition to another large tree, like a tamarind tree and the tree trembesi. The location of the cave located at an elevation of 172 meters above sea level, in the Chalk Mountains area of north eastern part of Central Java. Overlay is located in the recesses of the cave bottom. Go to the door of the cave is available equipped iron stair safety at its center along the 15 meters.
The height of the five caves in the region of Goa Overlay varied between 1 meter and 24 meters. The width also varies, from 3 meters to 18 meters. Overlay Goa is elongated, resembling a row of houses connected to each other along the 600 meters more. High ceilings are also variable, ranging from four yards. There is a parabola-shaped stalactites decorated charming forms. When the rainy season, stalactites and stalagmites will shed water throughout the season.
In history there are no legends of the people which arise from the tourist area of Goa Overlay. Goa has been known since the time of the kings of Java for a place to gain strength mistis.Pada imprisoned during the reign of the Netherlands, this cave many stores the history because it is often used for meetings during the RMA Blora Regent Cokronegoro with Dutch officials. That said, each end of the meeting is always held the ball for the officials present. However, during the war of independence, this cave into the area of defense for fighters.
The uniqueness in Goa Overlay, visitors freely observe the cave in daylight. On the cave ceiling there are a number of natural openings that allow sunlight breaks into and illuminate the inside of the cave. Therefore, this cave is called Cave Overlay. Thanks to the light holes earlier, visitors not only get fresh air circulation, but can carefully observe the uniqueness and diversity of the forms of stalactites and stalagmites found in caves. It is believed, stalactites and stalagmites in the caves that are still growing and provide diversity of forms, such as the giant squid or fungi. While stalactites hanging down from the upper wall connecting chime from the ceiling to cave floor. In one corner of the cave wall, visitors can also find a stalactite-like teeth "blind" (giant). The light that comes into the cave it creates bias which gives the impression of sunlight itself. There are shades of "enlightenment" in the files of light that fell into certain parts of the cave wall. As there is a set course, incoming light that illuminates only certain panoramic, but clarify the details of each corner of the cave. Thus, the shadow that the cave was haunted be gone. That there is an amazing natural painting.
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