For lovers of tobacco, of course very exciting to visit Taru Martani, factory that produces cigars since 1918. You will feel like visiting the place soulmate who accompanied at all times was born. For those of you who do not like to enjoy tobacco, at least, can see the long history of the plant that supports a lot of these people.
Taru Martani stood first in the Fur, the edge of Magelang Street, under the name NV Negresco. Three years later, in 1921, the plant was moved locations to the territory now, Baciro, Mandala Krida Stadium west of Yogyakarta. During penujajahan Japan, the factory name was changed to Java Tobacco Kojo. That's when the plant reached its glory because it is supported by the machine-making machine imported cigarettes from BAT Cirebon Japanese government.
Easy enough if you want to visit, you just negotiate with the arrival of factory managers. After receiving permission, you can explore the location of the factory with an area of 2 hectares is guided by one employee. You can see directly and ask anything about the cigar production process.
Entering the area of this factory, you can enjoy the beauty of European architecture. Until now, every part of the building, both production and administrative space, are preserved as before so that the nuances of European architecture is still very strong. Haunted and grim impression completely invisible even though the age of the building has dozens of years, instead they were impressed dynamic.
Cigar production at this plant through several stages. In the preparation phase, dried tobacco, mostly acquired in the Besuki, Jember, East Java, removed from the warehouse to wetting during the night. The goal is to moist and not fall off when cooked. Tobacco leaves and then separated according to its physical quality, there used to mix the contents of a cigar, (filler), wrapping in (omblad / binder) and outer (dekblad / wrapper).
Tobacco that has been sorted then prepared to enter the cocoon stage of the manufacture of cigars. At this stage, wrapped with a cigar and then rolled omblad using dekblad. This is where the uniqueness of Taru Martani manufacture of cigars, cigar pelintingan still rely on the skills of the workers but can produce a relatively uniform size to each other. Completion of this phase, which has been rolled cigar cut and sorted.
At the final stage of production, cigar entered the stage fumigation, cooling, drying and fermentation for tobacco pests (lasioderma) dead. This stage is very important for pest-free cigars will have a longer shelf life and pleasures even more durable. Finish this stage, given the label or brand cigars, wrapped and packaged to be distributed to consumers.
Until now, Taru Martani has produced 14 types of cigars, that is Cigarillos, Extra Cigarillos, Seniority, Panatella, Half Corona, Corona, Super Corona / Grand Corona, Boheme, Royal perfecto, Rothschild, and Churchill. Its variations, Taru Martani produce cigars in three flavor, namely nature or pure cigar tobacco, cigar or tobacco flavor with additional flavor (mint, vanilla, rhum, hazelnut) and mild cigar.
Some brands of cigars worth legendary purchased and sampled while visiting. Senator and Mundi Victor is the major cigar must try because it has been produced since the beginning of this factory, although given a brand new in 1952. Another cigar worth trying is the Duke, the Ramayana and Borobudur which has been produced since the '70s. If you want, you can also purchase tobacco brand chopped with Van Nelle, Drum, and Countryman.
Taru Martani visit and taste the homemade cigars make you become part of the international community of quality cigar lovers. Therefore, products Taru Martani cigars known as Cigar van Java has been dinimati by various circles in the corners of the world, from Asia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Czechoslovakia, America and Europe.
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