North Sumatra was to save the tourism potential that it was pity to miss. As an alternative to your vacation destination, the region is believed to be able to compete in Bali with the consideration of this area adjacent to Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia.
As the central government of North Sumatra, Medan grown into a metropolitan city with a population of approximately 2.5 million people, most of the population are ethnic Batak and Malay. The rest of Java, Aceh and the citizens of Chinese and Indian descent. Now Medan is the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya. Office buildings and shopping malls grow like mushrooms in rainy season. One of the features of Medan are the motor tricycles or better known as the rickshaw engine that adds splendor of this city.
To reach the capital of this field, can be reached by land, sea, and air. Medan Airport (Airport) International Polonia is located 4 km from downtown, the third largest sea port in Indonesia, Belawan, located 25 km north of Medan. In addition, having two inter-city bus terminal is Terminal Pinang Line in the north and south of Medan Sandpaper Terminal.
In Medan found many ancient European-style buildings remaining Dutch Colonial and the region known as the Kesawan. In the north there Kesawan Merdeka Square. In this neighborhood there are several ancient buildings such as City Hall, Bank Indonesia, PT. London Sumatra, Hotel Dharma Deli and a suspension bridge (titi hanging) below which there is the Railway Station Medan. There is also a historic antique buildings of the Central Post Office in Medan that still remain operational. If you take the time to enjoy the atmosphere of the night the city of Medan, in the region there Kesawan biggest Night Food place in Medan, you can enjoy all kinds of foods that are ready to be served by the penjajanya. In Kesawan also (Jl. Ahmad Yani) is you can find various types of souvenirs that show the typical native region of North Sumatra.
Tourist objects that can be found in Medan is Maimun Palace which is the result of the legacy of Dutch colonial era. The object of these tours is very beautiful and the art of architecture is very characteristic of an ancient building like a palace europe. This tourism object is located on Jl. Brigjend Katamso, Medan. In addition there is also the Grand Mosque of Medan which has a blend of art of high artistic and majestic, making it look very elegant mosques. Location of the Grand Mosque in Medan can you find on Jl. S.M. King, Medan.
Tanah Karo could be your next destination is about 78 km from Medan. One of the places you can visit at Tanah Karo is Brastagi, situated at an altitude of about 4594 feet above sea level and surrounded by mountain ranges, has the cool air with a beautiful expanse of farm fields, broad and green. Berastagi is a tourist destination that has a complete facility. Brastagi also known by the nickname of Passion Fruit & Orange Sweet. From here you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mount Sibayak and Sinabung are both still active.
Enough with 3 to 4 hour trip into the forest on Mount Sibayak to see the natural wealth of both flora and fauna. In addition to fruit - fruit, also known as a producer Berastagi various types of vegetables - vegetables, fruit - fruits and flowers - flowers. In this city often held several tourism events, such as the Feast of Fruits and Flowers Festival Culture Festival-juah Mejuah held every year. Tanah Karo has a tradition of hereditary done of Work Year, held every year by people who live in the Karo district or who have migrated.
There are many alternatives to reach Tanah Karo from Medan, namely: Sembahe is one path-Berastagi Medan highway about 35 km from Medan can be reached within 45 minutes by motor vehicle from the city of Medan, about 15 minutes drive from Sembahe, you arrive at Sibolangit a distance of approximately 40 km from Medan. Along the way will be seen Forest Tourism was previously a botanical garden (plants) are situated on the slopes of the Bukit Barisan mountain range the valve is very cool. Side streets in the rain forest is useful for the dismissal of the local tourists as well as from foreign countries. Along this road can also be found durian cabins that can be used as a place to rest while eating durian.
Bandar Baru, a small town approximately 47 km from Medan to Berastagi direction, has the air cool and comfortable fit for the holiday weekend; Penatapen / scenery is a place-Berastagi Medan road passes close to the border between Tanah Karo with Deli Serdang. In this place are often used as a place to stop for a moment for people who are tired of the way while enjoying the warmth of boiled corn and roasted corn. From here we can look toward the New Airport and Medan, also could see Sikulikap waterfalls and hiking route to Mount Sibayak.
Cross Lake Toba, you certainly will stop at the island of Samosir, an island located in the middle of the lake that becomes your next destination. Although somewhat small, Samosir regency has the potential areas in the field of landscape-based tourism, spiritual tourism, agricultural tourism, cultural tourism and the waters of Lake Toba.
As the Tuk-Tuk Siadong, presents the natural beauty of the landscape that many local and foreign tourists visited the country. Problem accommodation, this area provides a five-star hotel-class lodging facilities. Tomok, is the burial site of King Sidabutar, this cemetery hundreds of years old. Siallagan a Batak village location with a stone court (the court) and the place of execution which is right in the middle of the village. Simanindo is a Batak village location with a museum containing the relics of ancient items and historic.
On the island of Samosir there are also Hot / Warm Aek (Hot Spring) located in the crater of Mount Pusuk Buhit. Water that comes out is hot water sulfur that is believed to cure various skin diseases. Tano Ponggol is an area that connects the island of Samosir and Sumatra. There Lagundi Beach along the east coast of Samosir Island. This white sandy beach that is perfect for camping ground and tourism adolescents. A tower loomed over the surrounding buildings. From the tower, called Tele View Tower is located in a mountainous area on the other side of the island of Samosir is you can see the shape of the island of Samosir in its entirety. An area called the Rock Master is believed to be the slogan of the Batak is "Dalihan Natolu". So, you have many options to determine the next travel destination, right?
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