The number of climbers of Mount Rinjani has increased over the supporting facilities for the climbers to the allure. Mount Rinjani, the more popular just in the international arena. Rinjani management as an ecotourism-based community participation, received international awards. Award in the form of Award from the National Geographic Society and Conservation International for the category of Destination Stewardship.
Since the last few years, Mount Rinjani is managed by the Management Board Rinjani Trek (BPRT) assisted consultant from New Zealand. Regions Rinjani National Park itself in the category. Mountain with an altitude of 3,726 meters above sea level, located in the district of West Lombok, Central Lombok, and South Lombok. Rinjani become a tourist attraction run by 'gang'.
He argues, before a lot of complaints from tourists who make the climb of Mount Rinjani. They reported being robbed or get an unpleasant treatment. Such a situation, of course, detrimental to tourism as a whole. Community involvement, proven capable of overcoming the constraints that exist.
For those who like adventure, Rinjani is very challenging. To get to the top of Rinjani, can be reached via various routes. For instance Route Senaru, Sembalun Lawang or Sesaot. Generally it can take three or four days' journey from the last village, to get to the top of the mountain. Travel time, depending on the situation and conditions in the field, and selected routes.
One of the favorite routes is Senaru. Senaru is a small town on the northern island of Lombok. The distance between Mataram-Senaru about 89 kilometers or approximately 2.5 hours drive. To achieve Senaru can be used in motor vehicles. The road condition is pretty good. Across the mountains and the coast, en route to Senaru have a distinct impression. In areas Pusuk, for example, you will find many long-tailed monkeys on the roadside. The monkeys were pretty tame and very happy if they received food. In this mountainous region, many established hotels and villas.
From Senaru, you then walk to the edge of the caldera Babanan the north, followed by a trip to the White crow river. Travel Senaru White-crowing about a day on foot. Prior to the summit, you can enjoy the lake Segara Anak. From this white crow, you could go through peaks Plawangan Rinjani summit. Route Senaru, a lot of options, including foreign tourists, because it is considered as the easiest route to climb.
Other access routes that could be used is Sembalun Lawang. Sembalun Lawang is a small town east of Mount Rinjani. Distance Sembalun Lawang-Mataram about 110 kilometers and can be reached by using a motor vehicle about four hours drive. From Sembalun Lawang journey west to ly about a day trip, then to the new Plawangan to the top of Rinjani. Occasionally climbers directly to Plawangan and then to the top of Rinjani. Routes classified Sembalun Lawang heavy route.
Another alternative is the route Sesaot. The distance between Sesaot with Mataram about 21 km or half an hour by using a motor vehicle. From Sesaot we crossed into Babanan then to crow White. Travel time is approximately two-day journey, across the mountains and forests. For those who like the natural scenery, the trip from Sesaot White-crowing will give special experience. Arriving at the White crowing, we direct to Plawangan and then to the Peak Rinjani.
Besides the three main routes before, many climbers have developed a new route. Local people also often climb Rinjani by taking a different route. Despite taking different routes or paths, each meet at one point that is Mount Plawangan. From the top of Plawangan known Plawangan Sembalun we crossed paths climbing steep hills. Many climbers refer to this region as the 'Rise Regret', because the field was heavy. Senaru also available in other services such as guides and porters.
Not just act as a traveling companion, the guides and porters are often also assist the preparation of daily necessities, like food and drink or keep the goods left at rest. In Senaru also there are services such as rental demand for mountaineering tent and sleeping bag.
From Senaru, we can enjoy the cultural attractions, such as visiting a traditional Sasak indigenous communities known as community Barbadensis time, who lived near Mount Rinjani National Park Pos. In this village, we can see their traditional houses are neatly organized, which was built without a nail. In the vicinity Senaru there are also other natural attractions, such as waterfalls Sindang Gile and Tiu valve.
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