In Indonesian times Hindu Malang and the surrounding area is a bustling area that the file is still visible everywhere today. Many of the remaining buildings built under the influence of religious affiliation that time such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Buddha and Shiva mix elements.
Among the remains of the building there is a place of worship or ancestor king king we commonly know as the temple. One of them is Singosari Temple in Malang, East Java, in the Village Candirenggo, District Singosari; from Singosari after passing the market turn to the left, approximately 300 meters and then to the right, there Singosari Temple. Not far from there in the square there are two large statues of guards. Many more statues and temple building which is placed on the sidelines enshrinement. Overall it was a remnant of a group of sacred buildings which had once included a large area in the southwest of the temple.
Building Description
Singosari temple is square-shaped building made of stone. The building is facing westward. The whole temple consists of the lower level or shelf as high as 2 meters, feet high, slender body, and the pyramid-shaped roof.
At the foot of the temple there is room contains a yoni (symbol of femininity), which are usually present in the body temple. It is a privilege because it generally has a temple leg room.
Other chambers can we enter through the hallway on the shelf and the first round with a statue of Durga (north), Ganesh (east) and Shiva Guru (south). Except for the statue of Teachers, other statues are not in place. In the middle chamber is also a specialty, there is a channel under the floor of the stall. Maybe once used to drain water into a shower linggayoni washer (now gone, but the scars still visible).
On top of the temple, and in the upper recesses contained headdresses Kala. In the meantime on the left side of the building which the viewer right there in front (west) there are niches where statues Nandiswara and Mahakala.
The body has no room for the temple to temple located at the foot of the temple. In the outer body is made not in the recesses of which are all empty. Recesses invisible as it is covered by the four peaks appearance. Is the recesses of the former statue, is unknown.
The roof of the temple only partially live. Contrary to the other part is on the roof has been completed on the chisel with a delicate decoration, while the bottom is plain. This suggests possible ways to decorate the temple started from the top. The fact this kind often encountered also in other temples, such Sawentar Temple near Blitar.
Temple Singosari not stand alone. Around the yard of the temple are still found many statues. Judging from the number and nature of the statues found there, the conclusion might formerly have at least five sacred buildings, some of which are partly Shiva and Buddha. Also from the field enshrinement found a framed inscription mentions the year 1351 AD that the establishment of a shrine to Shiva and Buddha patients who died with Kertanegara. From this description it can be concluded that the temple is a mixture Singosari Shiva-Buddha. This is not surprising given the religion professed by Kertanegara is a mixture of Shiva and Buddha, patterned Tantra. Brangkali building mechanism includes a statue of Brahma and several small statues found on the field enshrinement.
Not far to the west, in the plaza, there are two huge statues of guards. Giant statues that can not be moved because of the weight once and of course standing there still in place of the original, as guard the entrance to a very wide enshrinement in tow. Height 3.70 m and one of them buried up to its center. These statues have a snake wrapped around the rope on the material, while the head adorned with a diadem snake with a skull.
Historical Background
Development Singosari Temple can be connected with the king of the Kingdom Singosari Kertanegara. The building was probably founded as time sraddha ceremony (a ceremony to commemorate 12 years after King's death) or the year 1304 AD, during the reign of Raden Wijaya, the king of Majapahit I.
Kakawin Nagarakertagama Prapanca essay, stanza XLII-XLIII, mentions that the King is a king who Kertanegara unequaled among the kings in the past. He mastered all kinds of knowledge such as Sadguna (the science of state administration) Tatwopadeso (the science of nature), law-abiding, steadfast in carrying out the provisions relating to religious worship of Jina (apageh ing jinabrata), persevere in running prayogakrya (rites tantric). It added that the king was far from neglectful and arrogant behavior, trust and wisdom, embraced Buddhism.
Kertanegara was the last king. Singosari kingdom who ruled in 1268-1292 AD He was the son Wisnuwardhana. Since the year 1254 AD has been crowned as Yuwaraja (young King). Usually the young king was before replacing the king who was given full power position as the king in an area / region. In his reign is considered to have insulted the Mongol Emperor Kubhilai Khan because besides not submit, he has the face of his messenger that is melukasi Meng-chi, so Khubilai Khan decided to demolish the Java as a punishment for such acts Kertanegara. The attack was carried out in 1292 AD led by three warlords are Shih-Pi, Iheh-Mi-Hsing Shih and You.
Meanwhile in our own country faced a revolt led Kertanegara Jayakatwang, Kertanegara subordinate king. Kertanegara fall and dicandikan in Singosari.
In 1934 state Singosari Temple was damaged, so the Dutch East Indies government to make efforts to save him with the dismantling until the baturnya, then build back layer by layer. The rebuilding is not entirely possible, as many original materials are missing, especially from the tops of the side chambers. The temple was built back up to roof level in two and it was incomplete. Rebuilding work is completed in 1936.
From the above description can be said that Singosari plays an important role in the past, the relic is left-fitting legacy preserved as objects of cultural heritage as stipulated in Act No. 5 of 1992 on Objects of Cultural Property, among others, reads: Efforts to preserve the object cultural heritage held in addition to fostering a sense of national pride and strengthen awareness of identity as a nation based on Pancasila, also for the sake of history, science, culture and other uses within the framework of national interests.
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