Palace (Palace) in Surakarta is one of the exotic buildings in his time. One architect of this palace is Prince Mangkubumi (later titled Sultan Hamengkubuwono I) which is also the main architect of Sultan Palace. Therefore it is not surprising that the basic pattern of the second spatial palace (the Yogyakarta and Surakarta), many have a general equation. Keraton Surakarta as can be witnessed today was not built simultaneously in 1744-45, but was built in stages by maintaining basic spatial patterns that remain the same as initially. Development and large-scale restoration recently performed by Susuhunan Pakubuwono X (Sunan PB X) who reigns from 1893 to 1939. Most of the palace is nuanced white and blue with a mixture of Javanese-style architecture of Europe.
Kasunanan Palace also known as Surakarta Sultanate Palace, built in 1745 by King Pakubowono II. It is the principal palace of Surakarta, and was built at the same time this city was found.
In general, the division of the palace include: Complex Square Lor / North, Sasana Sumewa Complex, Complex Sitihinggil Lor / North, Complex Kamandungan Lor / North, Sri Manganti Complex, Complex Kedhaton, Kamagangan Complex, Complex Srimanganti South / South and South Kemandungan / South , and Complex Sitihinggil Square South and South. This palace complex is surrounded by baluwarti, a defensive wall with a height of about three to five meters and a thickness of about one meter without the pavilion. These walls enclose an area with a rectangular shape. That area width of about five hundred meters long and about seven hundred meters. Palace complex that was in the wall is from Kemandungan Lor / Kemandungan North to South / South. Both complexes Sitihinggil and square is not surrounded by defensive walls.
In the courtyard dominated by a tower called Stage Sanggabuwono, a mysterious tower where the meeting between the King of the South Queen of the South Sea Authority. There is nowhere else in Indonesia can be found in a monument full of dignity and peace, to tradition, art and culture of classical Javanese royal.
Kraton Surakarta Kasunanan open to the public:
Every day 08:30 to 14:00 pm
Sunday 8:30 to 13:00 pm
Friday Close
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