Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Gili Sunut

Sunut Gili is located in Orchard Village Temeak Pemongkong Jerowaru Sub District of East Lombok. Gili Sunut an area that has a line parallel to the area of Tanjung Ringgit. The physical condition of these coastal areas tend to be gentle, white sand with granular texture like pepper with a character that is not choppy water and is relatively quiet, because there is little pulau-pulau/gili-gili as a barrier to the ocean waves in Indonesia / East Indies.

This condition is very supportive to the development of tourist attractions in the form of rafting, banana split or beach tourism activities, diving, or just enjoy the panoramic scenery. Amid the beach there are three islands by the local people called Gili Petelu.

Gili Sunut Currently inhabited by 109 heads of households with main livelihood as fishermen. General conditions Gili Sunut in support of tourism activities, especially the potential for the development of tourism and pearl farming business development
Source: lomboktimurkab.go.id

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