Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mosque Kauman, Symbol Openness Coastal Communities

The mosque is open, allowing anyone to drop by. The front of the mosque looks empty without walls. The wind was blowing breeze contradict pilgrims who were just sitting or lying down. Semilirnya help dissipate the heat of Semarang. Meanwhile, the passing pilgrims who want to and after the Asr prayer pilgrimage continues to flow. Without stopping. Until after the next prayer time.

That's the Great Mosque of Semarang, located on the side of West Street and the Square Street Kauman, Semarang. Semarang residents call this eloquent tongue Kauman Mosque, where the predominantly Muslim community. Rose solidly in the middle of town. There is no source that could determine when the embryo starts Kauman mosque stood. It is estimated that the first built in the mid-sixteenth century BC during the Sultanate of Demak.

Adjacent to the plaza, the central government Kanjengan, and Pasar Johar became the mosque because it was never lonely. Mosque Building Kauman very typical. Open section in front of a symbol of "openness" of coastal communities. Where in his time Kauman mosque so close to anyone who comes with good cause. For example, by Arab traders, who till now his descendants still survive.

It is not difficult to know the position Kauman Mosque. From a distance before entering the square, has seen a soaring tower. Among other buildings are lower, the tower is visible prominently.

Entering the mosque area, visitors will pass through the gates of the concrete which dates to 1904. Dark green color contrasts with the impressive light green inside. Sympathetic but also religious. Behind the walls of this gate there are two slabs carved Javanese script, ho-no-co-ro-ko. From the letter ho-no-co-ro-ko, it is known Kauman Mosque was inaugurated Friday, 11 April 1885, at 20:30 pm. Ago had also been improved 23 April 1889.

Kauman mosque architecture is influenced also by the role Walisongo in Java. Seen from the roof of the mosque to the story (tajug) three. That is the philosophy of Faith, Islam, and Ikhsan. Shaped like Majapahit building, supported 36 pillars. Tajug bottom shaded places of worship, tajug both smaller, and the highest tajug pyramid-shaped. Limas are decorated with gems, while the door of a series of hibiscus leaves. All this is sustained tajug teak. A characteristic that refers to the tradition of Arab or Persian. Ornaments like this are almost similar to the Great Mosque of Demak.

Look around and take photos at the main mosque, the prayer hall, is only permissible for Muslim men. Here stands as a magnificent throne, pulpit chairs the sermon. Carved wooden pulpit this looks complicated. Beautiful arch-curve. Demonstrate flexibility, hand carved fine art maker. In the corner there are also old-fashioned pendulum clock that is still used. To reach the main prayer hall, the pilgrims pass through several doors on the right and left (for women). Rows of this door was made of teak wood carvings patterned boxes simple.

Not only the Arab immigrants who settled around the mosque Kauman. But also ethnic Chinese, Malays, and of course Java. Its long history is also bypassed Kauman Mosque. Starting from the period following the Sultanate of Demak, Mataram Sultanate, penjahan Netherlands, until Indonesia's independence. Not surprisingly, people loved this mosque. They always memakmurkannya every day to purify the tawhid, the Islamic teachings. But also open to socialize and grow with other Semarang residents, which incidentally is not all Muslims.

Preaching Proclamation
One that can not be forgotten too. Historical records Kauman Mosque is the only mosque that declared the independence of Indonesia's first openly. Shortly after the Soekarno-Hatta proclaimed independence from Jakarta, August 17, 1945. This is reportedly one of the pilgrims, dr. Agus while after Friday prayers. As a result he was being chased Japan to Jakarta. Now, as one of several icons of Semarang, the old buildings of historical value is determined to be of cultural heritage.

Semarang retracing the past, then do not miss Kauman Mosque. He remained standing. Just as in the past a row missed. Open greet anyone to take part of a principled society tepo seliro. One attitude that began to erode in the Earth Indonesia.

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