That afternoon, when we entered the gate, passing by people on the ground, next to the entrance gate look a lot. Fro people, especially young teenagers crowded, accompanied by their laughter, punctuated by the sound of a loud music dangdut progressively increased the fun atmosphere. That is one of the entertainment provided by the manager Mekarsari Park (formerly Park Fruit Mekarsari), which continues to improve itself.
Since first built as a pilot project in 1990, this place had been designed to become the largest fruit garden in Indonesia, even in Asia. When viewed area, approximately 265 acres, it's worth when its founder, the late Ibu Tien Suharto, will make this fruit garden as a pilot project the largest in Asia. This garden highlights the broadcast anywhere since inaugurated in 1995 by Mrs. Tien Suharto, along with a warning that world food day of the 14th. Since established, the fruit garden has become one of the excellent tour, both for people and communities of Jakarta outside the region and even outside of Java.
But since the death of Mrs. Tien Soeharto followed the decline of the Presidential chair, as if this fruit garden, too, left by grieving because juragannya. Even visitors also grew slightly, because the management of this park to be less than optimal. The initial concept was created by the manager as a place of research and examples of fruit nurseries all over Indonesia, even the world. But a growing perception in the community that time and until now, that the Park is a park Mekarsari fruit that produces fruit (farm production), and we can buy these pieces as much as possible. And it is also recognized by the managers of public perception, like Mas said Taufan, one tour guide of the IPB, which is currently an apprentice in this place.
With the concept of a nursery and research like this, it was the visitors less interested in traveling here, it may be boring, especially for visitors who are less like natural attractions like this. We only invited to tour the garden of fruit without any other variation. The management are well aware of this, because the visitor with a ticket entry is one of the biggest revenue for operational costs Mekarsari Fruit Garden, so there must be another alternative for this interesting place to visit. So since managed by PT Mekar Unggul Sari concept is converted into a tourist park Mekarsari. Various support facilities were prepared as well as possible, to realize the new concept.
The major capital development is a very strategic location. Located in Jl.Raya Cielungsi - Jonggol Km.3, just 30 minutes from the toll booth toward Jonggol Cibubur, makes this place very easily accessible either using a private vehicle or public transportation. Even if the streets well, because along Cibubur sometimes gets stuck, just 45 minutes from the capital Jakarta. expectations, rather than far-distant capital city residents looking for a place of recreation, why not just go to the Garden Tours Mekarsari relatively close and inexpensive compared to the Peak, Anyer or Bandung. One of the important facilities provided by the bus which is designed like a train, where visitors can walk around the park is very spacious, with a fast and low cost. Proven indeed, since it first launched up to now, the buses were always full, especially on a holiday, we had to queue to board the train.
If you want more practical, can also bring personal vehicles to surround the entire area. We just have to be accompanied by a tour guide, this is because often tersesatnya the tourists in vast areas around it, so need to be accompanied by guides (tour guide). In this way, you are more able to enjoy the fun around the orchard, stopping at each farm according to the type of fruit each, even if the fruit is ripe we could buy fresh fruit straight from the tree. The types of fruit does have a superior varieties, such as durian fruit; if wild durian trees are usually tall can reach 20-30 meters, but in this area height durian trees ranging from 3 to 5 five feet with a large fruit. Other tree species also have very superior varieties, such as guava fruit water with big, sweet fruit Mundu, sapodilla fruit, mango and others. One of the fruits of this garden tour, which became the mainstay is the fruit of melon. Park melon melon Mekarsari different from that sold in the market, because men are larger and sweeter.
Because I had changed the concept of a garden tour, unsparing, the manager in building this place. Cipicung Lake which is located in one of the theme parks, providing a variety of water games facilities. One of them is a tour around the lake with a boat motor, we can be relaxed on the boat while enjoying the breeze and enjoy the natural beauty around. Still in the same location, there is also a place for family or corporate gatherings, of course, with complete facilities. Uniquely, to go to the gathering place, connected by an iron bridge that hung red, looks quirky and will tempt anyone to take pictures ria above the bridge.
For those who like to enjoy sleeping in the open, Mekarsari Park also provides camping ground (the camp). Location camping ground is situated not far from Lake Cipicung, with the condition of land that has been coated grass, which looks neat and clean. Usually the manager will provide all camp facilities, such as: sound system, platoon tents, mats, stage games and others as requested. As the most important requirements of a camping ground where the toilets and water, are also available with a comfortable condition. Fun camping here, but we can walk around the orchard, water travel, enjoy a variety of game shows, where fishing is also provided, as well as vegetable harvest tour. Places where a barbecue is in addition to fishing, so add details of the facilities provided by the manager.
Symbols pomp Mekarsari Park is located at the main gate, called the Temple Bentar. The main gate of this temple concurrently, form a unique and devoted only as an entry point for management and state officials who conduct visits to the venue. Still one straight series with a gate while, is lamtoro gate, gate lamtoro philosophy is how it can make a tree lamtoro surrounding soil fertility. From the gate lamtoro, we can already see the building management that stands stately, dimly seen from afar fountain that drops down from the sidelines of the building. Mas said Taufan, one of the park tour guide this tour, "if used, Madame Tien want to build a hill. Where the hill shall be made a kind of waterfall that can give life to the natural surroundings. But because the cost is very large, the plan was canceled, replaced by building the sides of water flowing from top to bottom, ".
30-meter-high tower was built purposely to see the beauty of the Garden Tour Mekarsari from above. Do not worry for a lazy climbing stairs, elevators at all times be ready to take us over. Will it feels more complete integrated concept of this park, because the management is planning to build villas in the middle of this orchard. Surely this will be the main attraction, and make this place into one of the attractive tourist destination.
That afternoon, when we entered the gate, passing by people on the ground, next to the entrance gate look a lot. Fro people, especially young teenagers crowded, accompanied by their laughter, punctuated by the sound of a loud music dangdut progressively increased the fun atmosphere. That is one of the entertainment provided by the manager Mekarsari Park (formerly Park Fruit Mekarsari), which continues to improve itself.
Since first built as a pilot project in 1990, this place had been designed to become the largest fruit garden in Indonesia, even in Asia. When viewed area, approximately 265 acres, it's worth when its founder, the late Ibu Tien Suharto, will make this fruit garden as a pilot project the largest in Asia. This garden highlights the broadcast anywhere since inaugurated in 1995 by Mrs. Tien Suharto, along with a warning that world food day of the 14th. Since established, the fruit garden has become one of the excellent tour, both for people and communities of Jakarta outside the region and even outside of Java.
But since the death of Mrs. Tien Soeharto followed the decline of the Presidential chair, as if this fruit garden, too, left by grieving because juragannya. Even visitors also grew slightly, because the management of this park to be less than optimal. The initial concept was created by the manager as a place of research and examples of fruit nurseries all over Indonesia, even the world. But a growing perception in the community that time and until now, that the Park is a park Mekarsari fruit that produces fruit (farm production), and we can buy these pieces as much as possible. And it is also recognized by the managers of public perception, like Mas said Taufan, one tour guide of the IPB, which is currently an apprentice in this place.
With the concept of a nursery and research like this, it was the visitors less interested in traveling here, it may be boring, especially for visitors who are less like natural attractions like this. We only invited to tour the garden of fruit without any other variation. The management are well aware of this, because the visitor with a ticket entry is one of the biggest revenue for operational costs Mekarsari Fruit Garden, so there must be another alternative for this interesting place to visit. So since managed by PT Mekar Unggul Sari concept is converted into a tourist park Mekarsari. Various support facilities were prepared as well as possible, to realize the new concept.
The major capital development is a very strategic location. Located in Jl.Raya Cielungsi - Jonggol Km.3, just 30 minutes from the toll booth toward Jonggol Cibubur, makes this place very easily accessible either using a private vehicle or public transportation. Even if the streets well, because along Cibubur sometimes gets stuck, just 45 minutes from the capital Jakarta. expectations, rather than far-distant capital city residents looking for a place of recreation, why not just go to the Garden Tours Mekarsari relatively close and inexpensive compared to the Peak, Anyer or Bandung. One of the important facilities provided by the bus which is designed like a train, where visitors can walk around the park is very spacious, with a fast and low cost. Proven indeed, since it first launched up to now, the buses were always full, especially on a holiday, we had to queue to board the train.
If you want more practical, can also bring personal vehicles to surround the entire area. We just have to be accompanied by a tour guide, this is because often tersesatnya the tourists in vast areas around it, so need to be accompanied by guides (tour guide). In this way, you are more able to enjoy the fun around the orchard, stopping at each farm according to the type of fruit each, even if the fruit is ripe we could buy fresh fruit straight from the tree. The types of fruit does have a superior varieties, such as durian fruit; if wild durian trees are usually tall can reach 20-30 meters, but in this area height durian trees ranging from 3 to 5 five feet with a large fruit. Other tree species also have very superior varieties, such as guava fruit water with big, sweet fruit Mundu, sapodilla fruit, mango and others. One of the fruits of this garden tour, which became the mainstay is the fruit of melon. Park melon melon Mekarsari different from that sold in the market, because men are larger and sweeter.
Because I had changed the concept of a garden tour, unsparing, the manager in building this place. Cipicung Lake which is located in one of the theme parks, providing a variety of water games facilities. One of them is a tour around the lake with a boat motor, we can be relaxed on the boat while enjoying the breeze and enjoy the natural beauty around. Still in the same location, there is also a place for family or corporate gatherings, of course, with complete facilities. Uniquely, to go to the gathering place, connected by an iron bridge that hung red, looks quirky and will tempt anyone to take pictures ria above the bridge.
For those who like to enjoy sleeping in the open, Mekarsari Park also provides camping ground (the camp). Location camping ground is situated not far from Lake Cipicung, with the condition of land that has been coated grass, which looks neat and clean. Usually the manager will provide all camp facilities, such as: sound system, platoon tents, mats, stage games and others as requested. As the most important requirements of a camping ground where the toilets and water, are also available with a comfortable condition. Fun camping here, but we can walk around the orchard, water travel, enjoy a variety of game shows, where fishing is also provided, as well as vegetable harvest tour. Places where a barbecue is in addition to fishing, so add details of the facilities provided by the manager.
Symbols pomp Mekarsari Park is located at the main gate, called the Temple Bentar. The main gate of this temple concurrently, form a unique and devoted only as an entry point for management and state officials who conduct visits to the venue. Still one straight series with a gate while, is lamtoro gate, gate lamtoro philosophy is how it can make a tree lamtoro surrounding soil fertility. From the gate lamtoro, we can already see the building management that stands stately, dimly seen from afar fountain that drops down from the sidelines of the building. Mas said Taufan, one of the park tour guide this tour, "if used, Madame Tien want to build a hill. Where the hill shall be made a kind of waterfall that can give life to the natural surroundings. But because the cost is very large, the plan was canceled, replaced by building the sides of water flowing from top to bottom, ".
30-meter-high tower was built purposely to see the beauty of the Garden Tour Mekarsari from above. Do not worry for a lazy climbing stairs, elevators at all times be ready to take us over. Will it feels more complete integrated concept of this park, because the management is planning to build villas in the middle of this orchard. Surely this will be the main attraction, and make this place into one of the attractive tourist destination.
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