Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Keraton Ratu Boko: The combination of Buddhist and Hindu Heritage

Site Complex Ratu Boko Palace or the Palace on the hill with a height of about 196 meters or more precisely 195, 1997 meters above sea level occupies an area of 250,000 m2. Keraton Ratu Boko Boko is located on the Mount, about 19 kilometers east of Yogyakarta city (toward Wonosari), Solo city from the west about 50 miles and about 3 kilometers from Prambanan Temple to the south.

Boko complex and distinctive charm. Because of its location in the highlands, then here is a scene of stunning. In the north and Candi Prambanan Kalasan with background views of Mount Merapi with a village atmosphere with green rice fields around it. In addition, the south, when the weather is sunny, in the distance, faintly visible to the South Coast.

History Keraton Ratu Boko

Keraton Ratu Boko until now remains a mystery that can not be explained when and by whom the name was given. The word comes from the Palace The Queen's which means palace or residence is also the queen or king, while Boko means stork (bird-). This is still a question of who is actually King Stork, whether the rulers of the time or the name of a bird in a real sense that once often perched in the hills Ratu Boko?.

Ratu Boko Palace Ruins was first recognized by Van Boeckholtz in 1790. A century after the discovery of Van Boeckholtz, namely around 1890, FDK Bosch conduct archaeological research on the archaeological heritage in the south of Prambanan temple in the report entitled Van Ratoe Kraton Boko.

Source inscriptions issued by the Rakai Panangkaran years 746-784 AD, mentions that the Keraton Ratu Boko is Abhayagiri Vihara. Abhaya means no danger, Giri means hill / mountain, monastery means a hostel / place. Thus Abhayagiri Vihara means a hostel / place of Buddhist monks is situated on a hill full of peace or a monastery where the monk looking for peace, seclusion and focus on the spiritual life. In the next period of years around the year 856 AD, the temple complex Abhayagiri Walaing functioned as a royal palace by the Rakai Walaing Pu Khumbayoni Hindu. It is therefore not surprising that elements of Hinduism and Buddhism seemed mingled in the building.

Structure layout Keraton Ratu Boko

Ratu Boko Palace is unique among other historical relics. Other buildings are generally in the form of temple or shrine, as the name implies, this castle or palace shows characteristics as a residence. It was seen from the rest of the buildings in this complex form of the pillars of sinking even though we only stayed shelf-shelf of rock andesite, indicating that there are buildings which formerly stood on it made of wood. In addition there is also a vast canyon lands and the fertile south to the farm and on the Mount there Boko ponds as a water reservoir which is small to large.

The complex of buildings on the Mount Boko referred to as a palace. It is mentioned in inscriptions and also because it is similar to the image of a palace. Book Bharatayudah literature, Kresnayana, Gatotkacasraya, and Bhomakawya, said that the palace is a complex of buildings surrounded by a fence gate, where there is a pool and a number of other structures such as buildings outside the palace of worship and there are square. Thus, this building complex is indeed suspected palace or palace complex.

Complex spatial Keraton Ratu Boko is still relatively complete. The palace is divided into four, namely central, west, southeast, and east.

* The middle part consists of building the main gate, field, Temple Arson, swimming, rock berumpak, and Paseban.
* The southeast includes the floor structure, gate, hall shelf, shelf pringgitan, miniature three temples, the walls around the complex for princess, two pool complexes, and the ruins of the stupa. Both complexes are limited pool fence and a gate as an entrance. At the bottom of the pool, carved linga yoni, directly on bed rock.
* The eastern part there is a single building complex includes two pools and a cave called the Cave and Cave Wadon Lana, Buddha Stupa, whereas,
* The west only consists of hills.

From the palace gate leading to the center of the front section, which is the main part, there are two high gates, gate consisting of two layers. The first gate has three entrances while the second has 5 doors. There is writing on the first gate Panabwara. Said that, based on the inscription Middle Wanua III, written by Rakai Panabwara, (descendants of Rakai Panangkaran) which took over the palace. The purpose of writing his name is to legitimize the authority, to give strength to be more glorious and signaled that the building was the main building.

After passing through the main gate, there is broad expanse of grass, namely the square. About 45 meters from the second gate, the left side of the square there is a temple made of white stones so-called Temple of White Stone. Not far from there, you will also find Combustion Temple. The temple is a square (26 meters x 26 meters) and has 2 terraces. As the name implies this temple was used for the ceremonial burning of corpses. In addition to the temple, a stone berumpak and pool will be found then you have to walk about 10 meters from the Temple Combustion.

Southeast of the Temple there are Burning wells mystery. That said, the well named Amrita Mantana which means holy water given spell. The water is still often used. Local people say, well water that can bring good luck. Hindus use it for Tawur grand ceremony the day before Nyepi. The use of water in the ceremony is believed to support its goal, namely to purify themselves and to return the earth and its contents on condition of initial harmony. The day before Nyepi the ceremony was conducted from Prambanan Temple.

To the west, along the Dawung Village on the hillside, there is the former palace complex that is Paseban and Batur Hall. Most front page located on the west, consists of three terraces. Each terrace is separated by a fence as high as 3.50 meters of andesite, and cliff terrace strengthened by the composition of andesite stone. Limit pages also form a fence south of andesite stone, but the northern boundary wall of the hill is carved directly.

Into the eastern part of the palace, there are two caves, a large pool measuring 20 meters x 50 meters and a Buddhist stupa looked calm. Two caves were formed from sedimentary rock called breccia stones. More above the cave that was called Cave Lana while under Wadon called the Cave. Just in front of Lana Cave there is a pool and three stupas. Based on a study, it is known that the stupa was a Aksobya, one of the Buddhist Pantheon.

Keraton Ratu Boko: The combination of Buddhist and Hindu Heritage

The interesting thing in Kraton Ratu Boko, other Buddhist relics were also found objects such as archaeological relics Hindu linga, yoni, statues of Durga, and ganesha. Although founded by a Buddhist, Keraton Ratu Boko is a site combination of Buddhist and Hindu, it can be seen from existing forms, which are usually found in Buddhist temples, other than that there are three small temples as an element of the Hindu religion, in the presence of Linga and Yoni, the statue of Goddess Durga, and Ganesh, and gold plate that reads "Om namah swaha Rudra yes" as a form of worship of the god Rudra, which is another name of Lord Shiva. The existence of Hindu elements that prove the existence of religious tolerance that is reflected in architectural works. At that time Rakai Panangkaran which is a Buddhist followers live side by side with the followers of Hinduism.

Early Triumph ground Sumatra

Palace Complex / Queen Boko Palace is a mute witness to the initial triumph in the land of Sumatra. Balaputradewa had fled to the palace before the Sumatra when he was attacked by Rakai Pikatan. Balaputradewa rebelled because they felt used as a second person in the administration of Old Mataram Kingdom from Rakai Pikatan marriage to Pramudhawardani (brother Balaputradewa). After he was defeated and fled to Sumatra, then he became king in the kingdom of Srivijaya.

Twilight at sunset views from the top of Mount Boko area is very beautiful. In the north and Candi Prambanan Kalasan with background views of Mount Merapi with a village atmosphere with green rice fields around it.

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