Monday, December 27, 2010

Raja Ampat Stunning

Some tourists seemed engrossed in eating and chatting casually as he looked off toward the sea that dominated blue, green, and white. The colors that appear because of the influence of coral reefs in the shallow sea bottom or inside. They were enjoying lunch at the Papua Diving Resort, West Irian Jaya f waters.
Hot sun and brisk air makes exasperated guests to dive and dive again. Sunlight often penetrate the crevices of sea waves up to the reef. Beauty scenery and marine life does make a lasting impression for tourists. For lovers of coastal tourism and underwater fanatic, Raja Ampat are very well known even considered the best in the world for the quality of coral reefs.
Many international underwater photographers capture the charm of the sea Raja Ampat. Some even come over and over again and make a special book about the beauty of coral reefs and marine life of this region. Mid-2006, a special team of the world's leading scientific adventure magazine, National Geographic, create coverage in Raja Ampat which will become the main report in 2007.

A total of 610 islands
Raja Ampat is a fraction Sorong, since 2003. District has a population of 31,000 souls has 610 islands (only 35 islands are inhabited) with a total area of about 46,000 km2, but only 6,000 km2 of land, 40,000 km2 in the sea. The islands are unspoiled and the sea is still beautiful to make direct tourists hooked. They seemed to want to explore all the waters of the "Bird's Head" New Guinea.
This area had been targeted by poachers by reef fish bombing and cyanide poison to spread. However, there are still many people who attempt to protect the region so that the wealth of the sea could be saved. Coral reefs in Raja Ampat is considered the most complete sea in the world. Of the 537 coral species of the world, 75 percent were in these waters. Also found 1104 species of fish, 669 species of molluscs (soft animals), and 537 species of coral animals. Incredible.
The World Bank in collaboration with global environmental institutions establish Raja Ampat as one region in East Indonesia, which received assistance Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (Coremap) II, since 2005. In Raja Ampat, this program covers 17 villages and involve the local population. Fishermen are also trained to cultivate fish, grouper and sea grass.
Papua Diving, the only exotic resort that offers underwater tours in the region, visited by tourists diving enthusiasts at home for days and even up to a month-ford the contours of the seabed. They seemed to not want to go back to their own countries because they get an "island paradise second to none on this earth."
Managers not easy to prepare a place for tourists. Maximillian J Ammer, a Dutch citizen of Papua Diving Resort owners are also pioneers of marine tourism drive this region, need desperately to set up various facilities to attract tourists from abroad. Since starting his business eight years ago, many of the funds must be spent. However, the results are also satisfactory. Each year the resort is visited at least 600 special tourist who spent an average of two weeks.
Lodging is very simple that only a walled and roofed woven palm leaves that cost at least 75 euros, or Rp 900,000 a night. If you want to dive must pay 30 euros, or approximately USD $ 360,000 once a dive at one particular location. Most tourists come from Europe. Only a few tourists from Indonesia to stay and dive in there.
"Tourists dive nearly every day because the dive sites are very wide and varied. The beauty of coral reefs are varied so much choice and invite curiosity. There are tourists who are aged 80 years is still strong dive, "said Max Ammer which women married to Manado.
Three years ago, Papua Diving build a modern inn not far from the first location. Apparently, the inn was built by relying on local building materials are almost always fully booked. Though the charge reached 225 euros, or about Rp 2.7 million per night. In the new location, equipped with modern appliances, including international telephone and internet facilities.
Tourists to the Raja Ampat Diving just want to Papua on the island because of the facilities and maid Mansuar already an international standard, also the food. They landed at the airport Domne Eduard Osok, Sorong, directly to the location by speed boat with a capacity of about 10 people at a rate of Rp 3.2 million each way. It takes about 3-4 hours to reach Mansuar.
Like the other islands, Mansuar looks beautiful because of its forests are still awake and the seawater was so clean of marine life which is not far from the surface can be clearly seen. Tourists simply swim or snorkel air to see the beauty of the sea, whereas if you want to observe directly beauty of marine life in the depths, they have to dive.
Feeling Safe
Local residents involved in the development and management of the resort, and even 90 of the 100 employees are citizens of Papua. Residents also supplies fish, vegetables, fruits, and others. One of the tour package to visit villages to see the typical local plants and animals, including birds of Paradise. Many tourists who become donors church development and education of children around the Man-flare.
Max Ammer is committed to improving the economy and skills of local residents. They were trained in foreign languages and use scuba gear. Tourists feel safe even in times of day and night while enjoying hot and sunsets as well as swimming and diving in the sea is very deep.
In addition to maritime affairs and fisheries, Raja Ampat has a wealth of natural resources, including oil and nickel. At the bottom of the sea there are also many old sunken ships of World War II, which is estimated to contain "treasure trove" of high value. However, if mismanaged, it is feared exploitation activities threaten the preservation and natural beauty of the sea.

Source: Voice of Reform, Sumedi TP, January 7, 2007

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