Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fortress Tuanku Nan Garang

Fortress Tuanku Nan Garang at the foot of Mount Young is somewhat separate from settlements. This region is the boundary area between Lubuak Batingkok and Nagari Nagari Taeh Bukik aur marked with sticks that are planted along the border. Area Tourism Fort Tuanku Nan scenery surrounding Garang has an unspoiled, can be reached by two-wheeled vehicles and four wheel. But the area of the object has not terbina well, where the area of the object do not have a fence, still surrounded by grass. In it there are remains of stone-stone fortress.
Tuanku Nan Garang, is one of the leaders in developing Padri devout Islamic teachings in LUHAK Fifty Cities and feared by the Dutch. As resident of West Sumatra Mac.Gillavri visit Fort Tendikir in Cape Nature, Tanah Datar on October 9, 1829, he sent a letter to the Tuanku Nan Garang, who essentially took Tuanku Nan Garang and his followers united with the Netherlands to face The Padri.
Resident Letter of reply by Tuanku Nan Garang declared that they would not have bothered before, because people LUHAK Puluah Five Cities with the teachings of Islam have been living safely and peacefully.
December 17 and October 18, 1832 in the Netherlands to expand its territory LUHAK Fifty Koto, attack a village of Mount Young dilereng namely Koto Tangah Lubuak Batingkok people under the leadership of Garang Tuanku Nan still has not surrendered to the Netherlands, resulting in a fierce battle at the foot of Mount Young.
At the date October 19, 1832 with a strong Dutch troops attacked Koto Tangah. To finalize the defense Tuanku Nan Garang leader tactical and astute enough to invite the Dutch to negotiate tentra moat outside the village. The talks are intended to buy time it still did not bring results. Dutch Military felt cheated and attacked with all his strength and weaponry available.
Although bombarded by cannon fire and the pot but the castle lord Nan Garang survived. Koto fortress surrounded Tangah aur trenches and barbed This can only be conquered Holland after the army brought in reinforcements and heavy weapons from Payakumbuh. In return for this resistance to burn the village of Koto Tangah Netherlands. Tuanku Nan Garang and his followers retreated towards the castle lord Nan utara.Untuk conquer this Garang for 4 days (19 to 22 October 1832) in the Netherlands many dead.


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