Sunday, April 17, 2011

Aerospace Museum Mandala Bantul

The museum is located at the north end of the border with Bantul regency of Sleman precisely in the complex Air Force Base Adi Sucipto Yogyakarta. This museum displays the history of aerospace many Indonesian people and the historical development of air forces of Indonesia in particular. In addition there is a diorama
there are also many different types of aircraft used during the struggle. Some models of the aircraft was owned by the Japanese army used by the Indonesian air force

The existence of the Air Force Aerospace Museum Mandala Center based on the idea of ​​Air Force leaders to capture and document all activities and historic events in the Air Force. It has long been stated in the Decree of the Minister / Commander of the Air Force No. 491, dated August 6, 1960 on the Document and the Air Force Museum. After experiencing a long process, on April 21, 1967, that idea can be realized and the organization is under the Directorate of Development Assistant Minister of Culture and History of Air Force Commander in Jakarta. Based on the instructions of the Minister / Commander of the Air Force No. 2 / 1967, dated July 30, 1967 on increased activity in history, culture and museums, the Museum of the Air Force began to develop rapidly. Thanks to great attention, both from the Air Force Commander and Commander of Air Region V (Pang Kowilu V), on 4 April 1969 the Central Air Force Museum located at Headquarters Air Command V, at Jalan Bukit Tanah Abang Jakarta, inaugurated by the Commander of the Armed Admiral Air Roesmin Noerjadin.

Based on various considerations that the city of Yogyakarta in the period 1945-1949 has an important role in history, the birth place of the Air Force and Air Force activities center, and a crater Candradimuka for Flight Cadet / Midshipman Air Force Academy. Based on the Decision of the Air Force Chief of Staff Number Kep/11/IV/1978, the museum which was originally based in Jakarta, then moved to Yogyakarta. Furthermore, based on the Decree of the Air Force Chief of Staff Number Skep/04/IV/1978 April 17, 1978, the museum is located on Campus Akabri Section was established by the Air Marshal TNI Ashadi Tjahyadi into the Air Force Air and Space Museum's Center for Mandala, on July 29, 1978 which coincides with the commemoration of Hari Bhakti TNI AU. Subsequent developments, the museum can not accommodate a longer collection of existing defense equipment because the location is difficult to reach by public and vehicles. Therefore, the Air Force leadership decided to move into the building the former sugar factory in Wonocatur Lanud Adisucipto. Before the transfer done the building will be rehabilitated to become the Air Force Aerospace Museum Mandala Center. On December 17, 1982, Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal TNI Ashadi Tjahjadi signed inscription as evidence of commencement of rehabilitation of the building.

The use and redevelopment of a former sugar mill was reinforced by the letter of instruction to Air Force Chief of Staff Number Sprin/05/IV/1984, April 11, 1984. In order to commemorate Hari Bhakti TNI AU, dated July 29, 1984, Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal TNI Sukardi inaugurated the building that has been rehabilitated it as building the Air Force Aerospace Museum Mandala Center. Location of the Air Force Aerospace Museum Mandala Center is located at Adisucipto Air Force Base, under the Sub Department of History, Office of Air Force Maintenance Personnel, Jakarta.

Buildings, Building the Air Force Aerospace Museum Mandala Center which is now occupied by the former sugar factory Wonocatur on the Dutch period, while the Japanese period used for storage of weapons and aircraft hangar.

Collection, Museum of the Air Force Aerospace Center Mandala exhibit historical objects collection, among others: a collection of relics of the heroes of the air, dioramas, miniature aircraft, aircraft from the countries of Western and Eastern Bloc, firearms, sharp weapons, aircraft engines, radar , bombs or rockets, parachutes and sculptures TNI Air Force figures.

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