Sunday, June 19, 2011

Museum Wasaka

Wasaka Museum is located at Jalan Sultan Adam H Andir Complex, Boxwood Kampung Ulu Sungai Jingah RT 14 Kelurahan, Kecamatan Banjarmasin Utara, Banjarmasin. Wasaka museum is situated on the banks of the river, adjacent to a bridge a long-powerful big again, which is called the Bridge May 17, or better known as the Bridge Banua Anyar. In Wasaka museum which was inaugurated on 10 November 1991, there were approximately 400 historical objects in the period of the War of Independence. is a museum of the struggle of the people of South Kalimantan. Wasaka stands Waja Putting Up Ka which is a motto struggle of South Kalimantan. Museum housed in the home Banjar Wasaka High ridge that has been converted from residential to the museum as conservation of traditional buildings. In the museum was built with the typical architecture of Banjar is also a list of organizations that had fought against colonial rule such as Laskar Hasbullah headquartered in Martapura, Barisan Pemuda Indonesia Republic of Borneo, based in Banjarmasin, and others. Then there are maps of South Kalimantan, which is equipped with several photographs of indigenous peoples in their respective areas, the organizational structure of the guerrilla struggle toward the Governing Governor of South Kalimantan Army Navy, as well as other historic objects such as old-fashioned typewriters, cameras, mirrors, and so on.

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