Monday, May 9, 2011

Botanic Garden Purwodadi

Purwodadi botanical garden is one of the mainstay of tourism in the district of Pasuruan. Purwodadi botanical garden established on 30 January 1941, where the beginning of this Purwodadi botanic gardens functioned as a plantation crop research in Indonesia.

Currently, other than as a place to study estates, botanic gardens Purwodadi as well as one of the local theme parks for tourists. Every day this Purwodadi botanical garden visited by many tourists who want merefreshingkan him that every day is busy with daily activities and the fug of air pollution. My own first visit to this place very often, just like a walk while washing the eye sees a young couple holding hands walking through patches of plants,

Not infrequently also see couples who are dating. In this park there are thousands of plant collections, which are divided into 8 types, including:
Orchid Collection, for the category of this orchid is placed in the greenhouse there is also outside, which is located on the western park. There are hundreds of species of orchids here. For fans can see his collection disini.Koleksi orchid bamboo, to this bamboo Category Purwodadi botanical garden has 30 species of bamboo, some of which were taken from the island of Java, Sulawesi, Maluku, and from abroad such as Thailand, China, and Burma. For the bamboo plant is located south of the botanical garden.

Collection Palm, palm category is located amid botanical gardens, this palm is one of the plants that are hundreds of years.
Collection Nails, spikes plant category for this botanical garden has 60 varieties of plants Purwodadi nails. This nail plant botanical garden located on the east side, which are located close to rivers and waterfalls that exist there.

Collection Legumes, for the category pods - this leguminous Purwodadi botanical garden has 157 types of legumes - peas, which consists of 70 clans. For this category botanical garden located on the north side.
Medication Collection, for this category in the eastern part botanical garden. For medicinal plants, I do not know the clear details, which I definitely see a lot of noni fruit / pace there.

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