Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pantai Ujung Lero Pinrang

Pantai Ujung Lero Lero is located at the tip of the incoming administration in the region Pinrang. To achieve this, we can travel overland and sea routes. If by sea, the time it took about 10-15 minutes, unlike the landline which takes approximately 30 minutes. The road to the village of Ujung Lero is not difficult. Depart from City Parepare we just follow the road towards the City Pinrang then turn left into the area Suppa. After the Suppa, we will find the junction. To reach the village of Ujung Lero, we turn to the right, then follow the road up to get a direction which is to the left indicating the direction to Ujung Lero. The distance between the junction Suppa and directions, approximately 18 miles.

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