Monday, May 9, 2011

Ranu Grati Lake

Ranu Grati Lake is one of the natural attractions of East Java district of Pasuruan. With an area of ​​198 hectares, Ranu Grati Lake is located between the 3 villages in the district Grati, namely Sumberdawesari Village, Village Ranuklindungan, and Village Gratitunon. The number of people living around Ranu Grati approximately 18,564 inhabitants.

Location Ranu Grati Lake is located on the south not far from the coast road north between sections Pasuruan - Probolinggo. In Ranu Grati Lake is starting then and now widely used by local villagers to earn money for fishing, Ranu Grati Lake region (usually the west) lot of standing cages to catch fish.
There's something interesting story that is in Lake Ranu Grati this, I myself do not know this is true or not, but this story from there from my grandmother used to, and surrounding people also confirmed this story. According to the story is that the lake was once there Ranu Grati Dutch soldier who brought his army (using Amphibious Tank equipment) to pass through this lake, before they passed this lake they had been warned by a watchman Lake for not going through it, because for anyone who tries to pass lake will not be able to return, because the lake is a big hole inverted cone-shaped (if you imagine a state of the lake like an hourglass), but the dutch army ignored warnings from the Watcher Lake, they passed the lake and to date no anyone ever find the soldier.

Around the year 2000, the government began to introduce the tourist district of Pasuruan Danu this Ranu, by convening various activities and events National, like the event I ever attended before the Sports Competition Water level Java-Bali. Perhaps the presence of this activity Pasuruan regency government hopes to introduce this Ranu Lake tourism to the Indonesian people.

To go to Tour Lake Ranu can be reached about 30 minutes from the town of Probolinggo and Pasuruan and 90 minutes from the tourist area of ​​Mount Bromo.

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